This Wednesday and Thursday (22nd and 23rd November) we are having electrical works carried out as part our new CBCT machine installed. We are still available to take calls and emails from our patients.
If you have a dental emergency please still get in touch, we have made arrangements to look after you!
The whole team are excited to finally have a Cone Beam scanner here at Chapel Street. The machine will provide our dentists with 3D images that are more accurate than traditional 2D X-ray images.
Having this service available locally will mean our patients can have their scans on site instead of being referred out to other practices. CBCT has the advantage of a lower radiation dose than traditional CT scanners and higher resolution allowing us access to very accurate images to help diagnosis dental conditions and plan treatment.
We are sorry in advance for any disruption caused by these works and look forward to seeing you all at your next appointments.
Call 01939 232864 or email to get in touch with us and we will endeavour to reply as quickly as possible.