Working from home remotely
+ Increased stress level
+ change in routine
= sweet tooth
Here are our top 5 tips for avoiding a sweet tooth and tooth ache during the Covid19 lockdown. Please remember to take care of yourselves as well as others…
Don’t treat your mouth as a bin -it’s important not to waste food during this time but remember your health is important too
Avoid rewarding yourself with sugary treats -you are not a dog! Instead, reward yourself with a hot bath, a nice walk or other fun activity 😉
Try to avoid boredom snacking in between meals -recognise it, stop it, replace it -with another activity, break that habit
Take advantage of isolation and don’t buy the sugary treats in the first place -with the number of times you visit the supermarket dwindling, this is a fool proof tactic!
Once in while enjoy a sugary treat! – moderation can help prevent binging and you are only human after all
If you do have toothache, remember we are still here to take care of you! Call 07415 917931 or email
Check out our advice for treating toothache at home: