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Advice to parents working from home


Amongst the many challenges that have recently arisen, those of you with children who are now working from home may be familiar with this one…

Parental working guilt  (PWG)

I am suffering from it badly. I love working and I must admit I am on some levels enjoying the challenge that covid-19 is giving me.

However, I also adore my two children. It is really tugging at my heart strings seeing their little faces drop when I have to say “No not right now, mom is working”

Ways to beat PWG…

1.Be grateful

Grateful that you have children, grateful if they still live under your roof, grateful that they are well

2.When you are with them be with them

Don’t check your phone, the news, your emails.

3. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself

Don’t get to worked up about making “perfect memories”. Use what you have and remember kids expectations are often far simpler than ours. They just want to be with us, and that is enough.

The easter weekend is usually a big party weekend in our house. I felt anxious that this year I couldn’t give my kids the kind of experience that I normally do.

But do you know what I learnt? It doesn’t matter, you can still have fun if you just relax and use your imagination a little bit!

During this time we are offering free of charge advice and emergency dental packs to all our patients and anyone who needs a dentist 7 days a week.

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