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Re-opening with safety and wellbeing in mind


Hi everyone, we've been a little quieter this week since the government's surprise announcement that dental practices could reopen from the 8th June! We've been busy bees! No more fun videos on the water slide...down to business now!

Luckily we have now been provided with some guidance from our regulators and the team are working hard putting all of these measures in place for when we reopen.

But, its not just about the regulations. As I lead my team into a new era of providing dentistry there are many other things to consider.

We will be phasing our reopening so that we can ensure that not only are the right things are in place, but that your journey is safe and enjoyable.

How practices can deliver services now is quite different to before, but we are excited. We feel things are going to be better and you will have access to care which is more bespoke as a consequence of the changes we are making. We know that our patients needs vary and as a smaller practice we are able to take the time to accommodate these needs.

We are dividing the practice into two separate zones. To begin with you will be the only patient in your zone when you visit us. You will speak to your dentist via video call prior to your visit to discuss your needs and limit your time on site. When you are with us you will receive the same high standard of care and when your appointment is over our team will provide you with all the follow up support you need.

Excited is an understatement to how I feel right now! We all can't wait to get back to treating you all. But there will be no bull in this china shop, our approach is going to be planned, cautious and caring.

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