Then start now.
I think there are more New Years haters than lovers in the world aren't there?
I'm a lover, but I start early. As a serial goal setter even I dislike the pressure of starting new habits on the 1st January. I tend to start my New Years clean out and planning late December, after enjoying a lovely rest at christmas.
We even normally have our "New Years Eve Party" a couple of days earlier as I find people enjoy it more then! Not like thats going to be happening this year!
You may be saying to yourself this New Years, what's the point in further restricting myself when we've all had our lives so restricted in the past year.
The thing is, we all have habits so you might as well try and make some of them good ones. Infact, at this time when it can feel like we have less to look forward to making some small positive changes in your life could be just the boost you need.
This christmas period we opted to open the practice where we would normally be closed. Services are so restricted at the moment it seemed daft to close when we could be open.
Seeing and speaking to patients this week has been refreshing. Problems have been fixed and we have picked up a few inspiring tales along the way. A lovely lady I saw yesterday who hasn't seen her grandchildren since January isn't wallowing in self pity (though that's definitely allowed under the circumstances!). No, she has spent her time creating beautiful and unique home made christmas gifts for them and enjoyed showing us the great pictures of them smiling away in her beautiful creations.
Yes, it can be difficult to find a positive at this time but one things for sure they are out there.
So make use of your extra time at home, read, make, craft, cook, learn (floss?!!). Why not decide a little resolution something that makes you happy daily. If you floss daily that will certainly make us happy :)
As an inspiring gift to one of our lucky patients we are giving away a copy of James Clear's book "Atomic Habits" a must read and a truly life changing book. Simply email us "I can do this!" to and on the 1st of January we will choose the lucky winner.
We liked to be one of the first to wish you a very Happy New Year and we are here as always if you need us...01939 232864